The Stop TB Partnership has demonstrated unwavering support for country-level partnership platforms aiming to realize the Global Plan to End TB. Through the formation of voluntary alliances and working groups, the organization has solidified commitments from diverse sectors, including public, civil society, TB survivors, journalists, celebrities, private sector and more, all dedicated to ending TB. 

The recent signing of 18 grants with various countries which includes Ukraine, Cambodia, Nigeria, Indonesia, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Ghana, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cameron, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Ethiopia, and Malawi underscores the Partnership's firm commitment to advancing advocacy, coordination, and partnership initiatives at the national and sub-national level. The organization's support extends to 30 countries, providing grants and technical assistance, facilitating the operationalization of key areas of work, and promoting innovation and strategic alliance, multisectoral participation, increased resources, proactive leadership, and technical support. 

The country-level platforms have made significant strides in activities such as developing multisectoral action plans on TB, mobilizing resources, and engaging non-traditional actors such as TB champions, celebrities, and journalists. Their collective actions demonstrate an assertive and holistic approach in the fight against TB, amplified by the support and facilitation provided by the Stop TB Partnership.

The benefits of establishing a country-level platform include:

  • Innovation and strategic alliance
  • Multisectoral participation
  • Increased resources
  • Proactive leadership
  • Social capital
  • Social change
  • Technical support

Key areas of work of the country-level platforms include the following activities:

  • Multisectoral action plan on TB
  • Resource mobilization
  • Communication and advocacy
  • Engagement of non-traditional actors (TB Champions, celebrities, journalists)
  • Integration of human and gender rights policies and programs
  • Service delivery

The Stop TB Partnership supports and facilitates the operationalization of all these key areas.


National partnerships to stop tuberculosis [EN]
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National partnerships to stop tuberculosis [ES]
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National partnerships to stop tuberculosis [FR]
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Concept note on national stop TB partnerships

Concept note on national stop TB partnership [EN]
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Concept note on national stop TB partnership [ES]
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Concept note on national stop TB partnership [FR]
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Partnering and Public Health Practice - Experience of national TB partnerships
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Country-level platforms handbook