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Wednesday, May 15, 2024 - 16:00 to 22:45
New York, USA

The President of the United Nations General Assembly has announced that the UN Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) will take place on Wednesday, 15th May, 2024 at UN Headquarters in New York. The registration form for the Hearing can be accessed here. The deadline to register is 24 April 2024 at 12pm ET.
The Hearing will provide an opportunity for all relevant stakeholders to contribute to the ongoing preparatory process for the UN High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) on ARM and share the challenges faced by civil society and other stakeholders and the key actions needed in the fight against AMR.

The meeting will be a key opportunity to highlight the drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) emergency, which is a leading cause of death among antimicrobial resistant infections, with 410,000 people developing DR-TB and 160,000 deaths caused by DR-TB in 2022.

Format: The hearing will take place from 10am-4:45pm and include an opening segment, three interactive panel discussions, and a closing segment. Each panel discussion will include statements from panelists, to be followed by an interactive segment. There will be no pre-established list of speakers and participants will be invited to indicate their interest to intervene during the panels.
Panel 1: Adequate, predictable, and sustainable financing of and investments in the AMR response to support country-level implementation
Panel 2: Addressing antimicrobial access, research and development (R&D), and innovation
Panel 3: Effective governance, leadership, and coordination of the AMR response at the national, regional and global levels
Outcomes: The President of the General Assembly will prepare a summary of the hearing prior to the UN High-Level Meeting on AMR.
Audience: The multi-stakeholder hearing will bring together representatives of regional organizations, non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, invited civil society organizations, philanthropic foundations, academia, medical associations, and the private sector including the agriculture and food industry, broader communities, as well as appropriate senior-level representatives of Member States, observers of the General Assembly, parliamentarians, representatives of local governments, and relevant United Nations entities.

Concept Note - AMR Multistakeholder Hearing
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Key TB Asks for UN High-Level Meeting on AMR
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